Sunday, October 25, 2009

Brandied Fruit Recipe #3's a *twist* recipe I came up with on my own a few years ago.

Your ingredients are a bit different!

1 Cup almonds (I use blanched, slivered almonds)
1 cup fresh peaches, peeled and diced kinds large (1/2 inch dice)
1 cup fresh nectarines (done same way as peaches)
1 cup pineapple (you can used canned for this if you like, but fresh is better)
1 cup cherries (I have used canned for this...fresh is better, but canned will work JUST DON'T USE CHERRY PIE FILLING!!!)
1 cup Raspberries (if you use frozen, let thaw first and cut sugar in recipe by 1/2 cup)
4 tablespoons lemon grass, cut in 1 inch pieces OR 3 teaspoons lemon zest!

3 cups fine granulated sugar

Here's the fun part:
Amaretto!!! (Or plain Brandy, if you have no Amaretto)

Now, toss the fruit and almonds with the sugar and lemongrass or lemon zest, mix gently, but well, in a large bowl. Let set for one hour, mixing gently about every 20 minutes.

Spoon into clean pint jars and pour in Amaretto (or Brandy) to cover. Cap tightly and put in the back of your pantry for *aging*.

Wait one month before using.

Spoon over ice cream, pound cake, crepes, etc.

This is great because it has a nice citrus note that enhances the fruit flavors and the almonds had a great texture.

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