Monday, September 30, 2024

So, Still Alive and Kicking...

 Still in the Great North Woods. Still working, though I reduced my hours when I got on Social Security. (Yay for getting back a miniscule amount of what I paid in during my lifetime!)

I am now in a gorgeous apartment in town, within easy walking distance of my bank, the library, etc. I have two terrific roommates (a 23 year old goofy computer loving, D & D playing, foodie guy and a 25 year old quiet, sweet, computer loving, D & D playing trans-woman.) We work together and the rent is manageable with all three of us pitching in equally.

Food storage? Still doing it. World wide, things seem to be spiraling faster and faster. Honestly it seems like we are circling the drain and most people are ignoring it.

Too many people are still denying that climate change is a thing. Too many people are denying that the threat of nuclear Armageddon is a thing. Too many people are denying that the civil unrest, political strife, a new pandemic possibility, more wars, and on and on are looming over our country and our world.

Just look around.

Lots of love to old friends in Asheville, NC. I used to live there. I do wonder if my old place flooded (I lived on Starnes Avenue).

Lots of love to friends in Florida. Been there more than a few times.

I've seen the pics and doesn't look good down south right now...

Stay safe, regardless of where you live, be prepared for anything.


Friday, January 1, 2021

2021, New Year, MORE Me

Yes, still alive and very much kicking.

I have wearied of all the "New Year, New Me" posts and articles I see out and about the internet.

No. Just NO.

I am going to be MORE me.

A distilled version, you might say.

I am going to be 65 this year and tired of being cajoled/pressured/encouraged to change just because of an arbitrary date on the calendar. 

I embrace growth and change, and indeed, I have grown and changed over the years.

But I have reached what can be called my *crone age*  My child bearing years are long over, My children are grown and some have families of their own. 

All I can do at this point of my life-cycle is pass on what I have learned, live as best I can and hope that those that come after me won't make the same mistakes I have made. (Oh so MANY mistakes!)

So, like a good scotch, I have been distilled. Like a good sword, I have been lovingly honed. 

I am working on making improvements to my health, my living conditions, etc.

But these are....minor considerations when you get down to the heart of it.

EVERYONES most valuable asset is their knowledge. Pass on what knowledge you have, it is the only way humans advance.

Become more yourself. Distill yourself. Shed the unimportant and the minor, let personal biases evaporate, appreciate what you have and be grateful for those around you. Learn from others, teach others.

Happy New Year

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Protect Yourself

I refuse to be dragged into the politics of the various mass and public shootings we have recently had in this country.
What this post is about is Protecting Yourself and anyone who is with you if a shooting happens where you are.
I will map out, simply, what you can do to help insure your survival in a situation such as the Walmart shooting in El Paso or the bar shooting in Dayton.

1) Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Get used to knowing where exits are, or areas of concealment in any public setting you go to.

2) Glance around at other people in the area. If someone looks *sketchy*, casually, but quickly, get out of their area.

3) If shooting starts, your first three thoughts should be CONCEALMENT, EVASION and ESCAPE.
Look for anything, any place that will conceal you from the shooter.
Evade the shooter by moving behind racks of clothing, structural columns, jumping behind a bar or counter, crawling under a restaurant booth, whatever you can find.
If you know where the exits are, get to one as rapidly as possible without getting the shooters attention. Most retail establishments have emergency exits, loading docks, employee exits, etc. located at or near the back of the store.

4) Fighting back.
You may be in a situation where you will HAVE to fight back to save yourself or a loved one.
You may be an experienced shooter, you may be unarmed.
If you are armed, and fairly confident about your skills, do your damnedest to take the shooter out and save lives.
If you are unarmed (as most of us are in these days of stores and other establishments setting themselves up as *gun free* zones), find a weapon.
Fire extinguishers make an excellent weapon. You can spray a shooter and use the extinguisher itself as a blunt force weapon if you can get behind the shooter.
Anything heavy you can throw. Sharp objects you can throw or wield.

5) Distraction and confusion can be your friend in such situations. See a fire alarm? Pull it and set it off! A light switch you can turn off to reduce the shooters visibility? Flip that switch off! Break a window behind the shooter to distract them.
Remember, you are fighting for your life in this situation.
If the shooter is distracted, it gives them less time to concentrate on finding victims and gives others in the area more time to escape.

It is extraordinarily sad that I felt I had to post this, but this is how we live now. Not just in the USA, but in other countries as well.
In the UK and Europe, they have similar happenings. Sometimes guns, but also knife attacks and vehicle attacks.

Prepare for these situations as carefully as many of you approach food storage or homesteading.
Avoid crowded environments. I realize, it is very hard to avoid crowds. You have to limit attendance at concerts (Las Vegas), shopping (El Paso), a night out at pubs (Dayton), etc. It's incredibly unfair to those of us that just want to live our lives.
But, unfortunately, it's the "new normal".
So, continue to go shopping, go to concerts or for a night out, but please, BE MORE AWARE!