Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Surprise!

The Darlin' Man came home with a surprise for The Girl's birthday (a bit late, her birthday was March 28th).
Rabbits! (and a ready made hutch to get started with)


Overhead view

Glamor shot of T-Bone

"I'm ready for my close-up"

"Why does she keep shoving that camera in my face!?"
Skillet is the girl and T-Bone is the boy. I have no clue what breed they are, but we do plan on breeding them for the purpose of having meat rabbits.
Other projects today:
Building a separate pen for the geese. Heloise is setting on 9 eggs. I am giving her a week more to hatch, if they are bum eggs, we'll move them to the new pen, if they hatch, we'll move her, Xander and the hatchlings to the new pen. I am giving her a total of 35 days for the eggs to start hatching.

Food storage Saturday! We bought some rice, quinoa, and other items for our long term food storage and today will be spent packaging it. Yipee! Love adding to my food storage!

1 comment:

  1. Cute rabbits. Now will the girls be okay with them being food? I hear you on the food storage. Have a Happy Easter!


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