Wednesday, July 10, 2019

So, Changes and More Changes

I decided to focus on my health this year.
I need to lose weight, quit smoking, exercise more, yada yada yada, all the things we tell ourselves all the time.
Well, I started small.
I decided to have one meatless day per week. Then twice a week, then three times a week...
I am now down to 8 to 10 ounces of meat per month. I use meat as a condiment more than as a main dish.
Blood sugar? Down.
Cholesterol ? Down.
Blood pressure? Down.
Weight? Down.
Energy levels? Up.
Sleep quality? Much improved.
Health-wise, it has improved my quality of life so much.
Plus, my food budget has decreased drastically!
Almost effortlessly.
I eat a lot of vegetables, salads, beans, grains, etc, now.
I still eat cheese and other dairy.

My smoking has reduced, also without much effort.
I switched to a "light" cigarette.
But I have noticed that with less meat consumption, my craving for cigarettes has gone down.
My beloved Dr Pepper?
I am drinking WAY more sparkling water than soda these days.

This may not be the answer for others, but it is helping me.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you're healthy and happy. It's hard to find what works, we're all different, kudos!


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