Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wheeeeeeeeeeee! We Have Eggs!

The last week has been SUPER busy here at Frippery Farm (our name for this little enterprise).
We had a goat pen. The chickens and goats peacefully co-existed in said pen...but, sadly, no eggs were forth coming from the hens.
This past week, we got the chicken coop built, along with a separate pen for the billy goat (for when the does have their kids).
Red and his hens were moved into the coop. To celebrate, the darlin' man purchased a new hen down at the feed store. The new hen was promptly named Matilda and also just as promptly began laying eggs!
Two eggs in the first 24 hours she was in residence!
Not to be outdone, Miss Priscilla also presented us with an egg!
Gertrude hasn't *gotten with the program* yet, but I think it is just a matter of time before she is inspired by her coop-mates and starts producing as well.
Red the rooster is acting like it is * all HIM*. He checks out each egg and crows and struts around proudly.

We also started constructing our raised bed gardens. The goat poop has done a fabulous job in the compost heap!
Speaking of goats, I believe both our does are pregnant. We should know for sure in a couple of weeks.
So, we'll have milk and eggs...a darn good start!


  1. Yippee!!
    Congrats on the eggs!
    Isn't that just like a male? thinking it's all about him all he had to do was have some fun, he didn't have to pop that egg outta his nether region. LOL!

    Have a good day, Lamby :)
    (funny my word verification was BankIt)

  2. it sounds like all your dreams are coming true and I know how long you've longed for these!! And ya seem to have found a good man to boot! (does he have a clone? LOL! jkn'!)

  3. As the man said... "I love it when a plan comes together!"

    Good news on the critter front! Nothing beats fresh eggs!


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